Richard Sandler CC Train 1985
Richard Sandler CC Train 1985


The award-winning photographer/filmmaker, Richard Sandler, shot the streets of New York City from 1977 until the early 2000s, reflecting on the joys and stresses of urbanity.


Richard Sandler The Hopefuls, Studio 54 1981
richard sandler

The Hopefuls, Studio 54, 1981

"Because of the density of the spaces depicted in Richard’s frames, tension is rife: for example, children and families are forced into uncomfortable proximity with the pornographic advertisements that were a pillar of pre-Giuliani Times Square in the 1980s. Bystanders become inadvertently complicit in a narrative they are unaware exists. No one is spared exposure in Richard’s street" - Serge J-F. Levy

Richard Sandler Double Date 1985
Richard Sandler Double Date 1985

You could say, 'look how f----- up New York was in the 80s, look at all this graffiti,' but also it was very beautiful," he says. "The layering of randomness, of one person's tagging over another, and it would go on for months and years, and it started to look like Jackson Pollock.

Richard Sandler
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